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Intellectual property

Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Copyright ©

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  • Commonwealth Coat of Arms
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You may distribute, remix and build on this website’s material but must attribute the AIHW as the copyright holder, in line with our attribution policy.

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Attribution policy

Under CC-BY 4.0, you must attribute the AIHW as specified by this attribution policy. You must do so in a way that does not create the impression that we endorse your organisation or your work.

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Source: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare.

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Where you modify, transform or create derivative works based on our material (for example, creating graphs or charts based on our data) you must attribute the AIHW this way:

Based on Australian Institute of Health and Welfare material.

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Where material is identified as jointly owned by the AIHW and other organisations, you must attribute the AIHW and the other organisations this way:

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Modified material: Based on Australian Institute of Health and Welfare; (organisation1); (organisation 2) material.


Enquiries and requests

Email: [email protected]

Australian Institute of Health and Welfare
GPO Box 570
Canberra ACT 2601

Phone: +61 2 6244 1000